NYC Packaging Proofs

Work with a Local Leader in NYC Pakage Proofing Services

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New York City Packaging Proof Company?

We have decades of experience as a local print shop, publisher, and custom packaging creators. Our portfolio displays our quality of work and the brands who have trusted Proof7 with their projects. We know that making a decision on packaging is challenging, so we offer high quality package proofing services. Request a quote for your next project!

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Our Work As A New York City Packaging Proofs Provider

We can help you create a unique custom packaging solutions that will impress your customers and help your brand stand out!

Ern Laszlo box
marc jacobs box
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Common Questions

What Are the Benefits of Using Proof When Creating Packaging?

From a customer's perspective, using proofs is a smart way to assess the quality of a packaging manufacturer's work along with any relevant design details. Proofs insure your order against neglect or accident, and they also help to protect our interests as a packaging designer and manufacturer.

More Information

If you are wondering what are the benefits of using proof when creating product packaging, here are some facts. First, the benefits outweigh the costs. Second, the flawless printer or packaging manufacturer does not exist. And lastly, controlling the entire process is imperative for success.

In many cases, color proofs represent a critical legal reference. In reality, many companies cannot go on without proof. Sometimes, packaging companies lower the proof price to help their clients. And even though each proof has its price, each result ensures no further legal problems.

From a customer perspective, using proof is smart. By the same legal token, the color proof has legal value. As a result, without it, a client cannot contest the manufacturer’s job. That is, if the client does not provide certified color proofs specific to the type of paper. Or to the type of devices necessary for production. On the other hand, proofs insure your order against neglect or accident.

The latter is also the reason why packaging companies create proofs on their own initiative. If a big client does not provide any proof, they back any claim up with their proofs. Then again, proofs ensure a print reference on the ink quality. To put it differently, proofs establish the ink profiles. In this way, no claim from both sides can even come to the surface.

Many customers think that high-quality packaging relies on a single factor. For instance, image resolution. More specifically, some people think that higher resolution equals better printing. Sadly, the printing process depends on varying factors. For example, your budget, personal preference, or type of packaging. Besides, a subject on its own is the correct use of the printer.

Proofs allow for better quality results. To save money, a client may ask no proof but higher resolution. This choice per se will not lead to a higher quality print. In detail, many technical reasons explain why that is the case. In any case, clients can see for themselves the difference by making distinct orders. No order without proof will equal the quality of one that includes it.

One of these technical reasons includes different lightfastness of printing inks. To specify, each printer machine uses different tech. Thus, each ink shows a varying residence time, that is, lightfastness level. Sometimes, custom packaging for events do not need a long storage time. However, standard designs do. In short, proofs promote process control. Better yet, proofs let you control the entire printing process.

Controlling the entire process is imperative for success.

Today, experts know that different types of paper or plastic require the use of specific color profiles. But often, smaller customers want to contain the cost of the investment. Thus, they receive a PDF proof and give the final approval. This decision not only prevents them from getting an accurate color but also it can worsen their customer experience.

In some cases, the proof is nearly vital. Namely, when the design contains lots of different colors. Through all the stages, controlling the entire process is key. It ensures the best quality from production to processing and printing. Color accurate print proofs let you receive your exact design.

Packaging companies all over the world are investing in more qualified staff. In like manner, companies who invest in better packaging increase sales and create more buzz. Both make full use of the available tools. In other words, proofs are just a tool for your success.


What are the benefits of using proofs when creating packaging?

Print proofs let packaging companies know exactly what the customer wants. With this in mind, both sides protect themselves from misunderstanding and legal problems. On the upside, proof helps you get the product you requested. Inasmuch as they have a price, proofs can improve the final customer experience. As a result, they can lead to all sorts of online word of mouth. Or free advertising, if you are using an elaborate design.

Our company is a trusted name in the packaging market. We have been guaranteeing flawless quality for many years, thanks to dedicated services. We use the latest printing presses. Plus, we provide lamination and slitting processes, special coatings, finishes, and multiple side custom bags.

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Our Primary Services

We specialize not just in digital and offset printing, but also custom packaging, custom finishing solutions and book publishing. Request a quote today!

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